Thursday, March 5, 2009

January Dinner Club

We might not be allowed back to the Training Table (a Utah original!) for a while! We pretty much closed the place down. Not to mention we were loud and Molly Jones just let her kid run amuk! HA HA jk! But January marked the arrival of a f ew new clubbers, Kiera and Shannon K. showed up and like I mentioned before Molly J. and her adorable baby Ruby came too. (Did I miss any newbees?). No pictures were taken but lots of good laughs.

MMMMMM cheese fries!

1 comment:

  1. "run amuk" "run AMUK" is that what you think of me as a mother? jk... i did pretty much let her own the place tht night... hence the thousands of ice cubes on the floor!
